NOTE: After publishing this post Gutenberg Core Blocks Reference has been added to WordPress Block Editor documentation, please refer to the ofiicial documentation for up to date info as I probably won’t be updating this list anymore.

Info on how to disable/enable blocks and variations can be found here.

Click headings to sort by column.

core/archives Core
core/audio Core
core/block CoreNeeded for reusable blocks
core/button Core
core/buttons Core
core/calendar Core
core/categories Core
core/code Core
core/column Core
core/columns Core
core/cover Core
core/embed Core
core/embed amazon-kindle Variation
core/embed animoto Variation
core/embed cloudup Variation
core/embed collegehumor Variation
core/embed crowdsignal Variation
core/embed dailymotion Variation
core/embed facebook Variation
core/embed flickr Variation
core/embed imgur Variation
core/embed instagram Variation
core/embed issuu Variation
core/embed kickstarter Variation
core/embed meetup-com Variation
core/embed mixcloud Variation
core/embed reddit Variation
core/embed reverbnation Variation
core/embed screencast Variation
core/embed scribd Variation
core/embed slideshare Variation
core/embed smugmug Variation
core/embed soundcloud Variation
core/embed speaker-deck Variation
core/embed spotify Variation
core/embed ted Variation
core/embed tiktok Variation
core/embed tumblr Variation
core/embed twitter Variation
core/embed videopress Variation
core/embed vimeo Variation
core/embed wordpress Variation
core/embed wordpress-tv Variation
core/embed youtube Variation
core/file Core
core/freeform Core Classic Editor Block
core/gallery Core
core/group Core
core/heading Core
core/html Core
core/image Core
core/latest-comments Core
core/latest-posts Core
core/list Core
core/loginout Core
core/media-text Core
core/missing Core
core/more Core
core/nextpage Core Page Break
core/page-list Core
core/paragraph Core
core/post-content Core
core/post-date Core
core/post-excerpt Core
core/post-featured-image Core
core/post-template Core
core/post-terms Core
core/post-title Core
core/preformatted Core
core/pullquote Core
core/query Core
core/query-pagination Core
core/query-pagination-next Core
core/query-pagination-numbers Core
core/query-pagination-previous Core
core/query-title Core
core/quote Core
core/rss Core
core/search Core
core/separator Core
core/shortcode Core
core/site-logo Core
core/site-tagline Core
core/site-title Core
core/social-link Core
core/social-links Core
core/spacer Core
core/table Core
core/tag-cloud Core
core/text-columns Core
core/verse Core
core/video Core
woocommerce/active-filters Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/all-products Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/all-reviews Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/attribute-filter Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/featured-category Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/featured-product Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/handpicked-products Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/price-filter Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/product-best-sellers Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/product-categories Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/product-category Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/product-new Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/product-on-sale Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/product-search Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/product-tag Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/product-top-rated Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/products-by-attribute Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/reviews-by-category Plugin: WooCommerce
woocommerce/reviews-by-product Plugin: WooCommerce